last night we smoked shisha beside the beach at Qurum in Muscat and watched fishing boat lights twinkle at varying distances. it was nice. sushi buffet was had (quite decent sushi at that) and i had my first kimchi in months, which made me feel good. it wasnt as authentic as id like, but it was alright. the night finished with a couple games of bowling and with me being consistently the worst. i improved by one point from the first game, but was so far out it didnt matter. the second game "was rather pedestrian" compared to the first, and sun had a miracle strike followed by a miracle spare giving her a huge come from behind victory. it was sweet. shes cute when she bowls. cute when she does anything really. ok. ill save that kind of talk for later and elsewhere.
instead of randomly posting on this thing i have decided to pledge a weekly publishing. so, for the next while if you haven't done so, check in on saturdays and ill do my darndest to ensure that we'll have posted by then. if we take off somewhere for a short break (egypt we're looking in your direction), we'll let you know if we'll break from the blog as well.
not much else exciting to report. sun and i are now officially the CALL teachers at our school, which is good and bad as we can help each other prep a lot, but will have basically opposite schedules. so we'll see how that goes.
this coming week 4 dear friends of ours are coming from abu dhabi to visit so we're excited to eat, stink, be merry, and potentially even change some diapers with them. dont ask if you dont already know.
on the car front, we are now wavering towards the mitsubishi prado. its a little more rugged. well see. im going to haggle my head off at the dealers and see what theyll throw in.
ok. so. photo of the week is ... the view from our "backyard." not very glamorous, but thats what it is. the mountains in the distance are wonderful, but the trash in the foreground leaves much to be desired. note that the building on the left serves shisa to smoke and football (or as some of you demand - soccer) on the big screen. sadly, the shisha wasnt good the one time we went. im determined to go again because it is so close. itll be sad if we dont get to go back. theyre still smoothing out the edges, or, as i said in north america a lot, taking the edge on.

if you're going to change and clean 'em, we'll bring the cloth diapers baby!
mitsubishi prado? that sounds like a made-in-china japanese ride. be careful...
Hey desert rat,
Good to see you got a blog up. Ive often thought I myself should get one, but cant seem to get the energy. Things at MJU are things at MJU are things at MJU are... you get the picture.
Im taking a trip home for Christmas this year. Really missing the fam these days.
Looks like youve got an interesting place over there. How long do you see yourself staying? Jonathan mentioned that his school was hiring a bunch of people in Jan... but Im not sure if I can see myself signing on for such a long-term contract. I dont know, not sure... promise to get some writing out...
Spark one for me...
love and thoughts...
Don't touch the mike, baby, DON'T COME NEAR IT!
yeah, never heard of the prado myself...details,'s so awesome to read your blog, it's almost as if you're right here..the girls and i had coffee at your table in "coffee booth" today..we reminisced about how you'd dog whoever was sitting there first till they got uncomfortable and left...grandparents, mamas with babies, anyone....
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